Congregational Meeting (會友大會)

Toronto Chinese Alliance Church 77 First Ave., Toronto, ON, Canada

To elect two members' representatives for the Elders' Nomination Committee (選出兩名會友代表參與長老遴選委員會)

Prayer and Fasting Weekend

Toronto Chinese Alliance Church 77 First Ave., Toronto, ON, Canada

  "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 『這稱為我名下的子民,若是自卑,禱告,尋求我的面,轉離他們的惡行,我必從天上垂聽,赦免他們的罪,醫治他們的地。』 歷代志下 7:14

Joint Worship and Annual General Meeting 2020 (聯合崇拜 週年會友大會)

Toronto Chinese Alliance Church 77 First Ave., Toronto, ON, Canada

Come worship with us on February 9th in our Joint Service (English, Cantonese & Mandarin) at 10 am! Our speaker will be Rev. Curtis Peters (C&MA Eastern District Superintendent). This will be followed by our Annual General Meeting for TCAC members at 12:30 pm. 聯合崇拜 - 早上10点开始 週年會友大會 - 下午12:30召開