
Communion Sunday

Toronto Chinese Alliance Church 77 First Ave., Toronto, ON, Canada

English Worship @ 9:30 am 国语崇拜 @ 10:00 am 粤語崇拜 @ 11:15 am  


Revive Fellowship

Education Wing - 2nd Floor

** Revive's last meeting for the season will be May 21 - Centre Island ** Please contact Gordon Lui-Yee for more details. We are a fellowship that believes in building each other up and pointing each other to Christ. If you are looking for a place where broken people are striving each day to love…


拉法團契 (Rapha Fellowship)

多倫多華人宣道會(TCAC) 77 First Ave., Toronto, ON, Canada

每月 第一 及 第三 星期六 - 晚上 7:30 - 9:00 (實體聚會及網上)