
拉法團契 (Rapha Fellowship)

多倫多華人宣道會(TCAC) 77 First Ave., Toronto, ON, Canada

每月 第一 及 第三 星期六 - 晚上 7:30 - 9:00 (實體聚會及網上)

懇親音樂會 (實體,粵語)

TCAC Sanctuary

歌曲/粵曲分享,遊戲,禮物派發 聚會期間有5至12嵗兒童節目提供。 歡迎12嵗以上,並已接種新冠疫苗者帶口罩出席。 查詢:蘇牧師 [email protected]

2022 Summer Camp

多倫多華人宣道會(TCAC) 77 First Ave., Toronto, ON, Canada

Our Summer Camp this year is a one-week IN-PERSON camp from July 18-22, 2022. At Monumental, kids entering JK to Grade 6 in September 2022 celebrate God's greatness! Monumental is filled with awesome Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, and touch! Science fun, team-building games, unforgettable songs, and tasty treats are just a few of the…